Are you currently employed or volunteering in any of the following sectors?
- Business
- Customer Engagement
- Hospitality
- Retail
New and innovative RPL Services
The ABRA, Qld Training Team is comprised of respected industry experts across the Business, Retail, Hospitality and Customer Engagement sectors, collectively offering over 50 years industry experience. This is combined with innovative training and assessment strategies that utilise modern technology to maximise capture and recognition of existing skills and knowledge, helping you avoid the need for unnecessary paperwork. We use modern technology, professional Assessment tools and a flexible approach so you can enjoy the benefits:
Company/Organisation benefits
- Higher staff morale
- Increased organisational capacity
- Reduced staff turnover
- Supports best practice culture
- Identifies training gaps
- Cost effective service
Employee benefits
- Skills/knowledge are recognised
- Opens career pathways
- Improved self esteem
- Identifies training needs/gaps
- Minimal, streamlined process
- Feel acknowledged/valued
- We come to you**
- Government funding available to support RPL of existing workers**
- Friendly, flexible and cost effective service
- Minimal interruption to work and minimal paperwork
- AQTF Compliant and Nationally recognised
Everyone deserves qualifications that recognise existing workplace skills, knowledge and experience – we’d love to help you attain them. To secure fast, effective recognition of your skills and knowledge with a nationally recognised qualification call the RPL Services team today on 07 3262 2774.
**conditions apply